"There is such a thing as manners. Flipper here has manners. Whose coming with me?!"

I went to work yesterday, and we sat down for the pre-shift meeting, everything was normal. Afterwards, my manager/ owner of Noja, Chakli, told me he needed to speak to me outside on courtyard. So Chakli, Marvin (the other manager), and me all went out and sat down. Chakli started the conversation by saying that he knows that the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, but if something someone says infringes on someone else rights then there is a problem. I said OK. So he proceeds to tell me that I wrote a bad Yelp review about the bar across the street, and the owners are really upset about it. Chakli told me he wanted me to delete the Yelp, go over and apologize to the bar across the street for writing a bad Yelp, or he was going to have to "let me go". I told him that my Yelp profile doesn't say anything about me working for Noja, and that I have tons of reviews, some good, some bad, and my Yelp account is separate from my job. He was like Well, they recognized you, and they were really upset about it, and your name is on there with your picture. The conversation went back and forth, and he kept saying "So what are you going to do?" After running circles in the conversation, I replied "Ok, I'll take it down." Then he said OK, well I want you to take it down AND apologize. I just repeated OK, I'll take it down. Meaning, fuck off, I will delete it, but I am not saying I'm sorry. So, by the end, I knew that I needed to swallow my pride, and do what he asked, because I can't just quit my job. So I agreed finally to say Sorry. So I walked across the street, but the bar wasn't open. So I walked back into Noja, and said Chakli they are closed, and he was like OK just go over there later.
So I work my shift that night, completely mind-fucked. The night was winding down, and I was finishing up close out duties, when 6 people walk in, and they all gave me a dirty looks and took a seat at the bar. One of the servers was like "Hey, thats the owners from across the street". Yup. They literally came into my work, and cut me dirty looks to try and intimidate me. One of the owners had my Yelp account pulled up on his cellphone, and was showing it to Chakli, as they all cut me dirty looks.
My adrenaline was pumping, and I knew that I couldn't swallow shit. So I kept doing side work, and Chakli walked up to me and said those are the people from across the street, so go apologize. I looked at Chakli and my voice was low because my adrenaline was going so fast, I said I am sorry but I don't feel like I did anything wrong so- and he cut me off and said "What? I can't hear you..." Then my anger took over. Then I said clear as day "I have my freedom of speech, and I don't feel like I did anything wrong. So I am not going to apologize to them, so I am just going to quit." He looked kind of shocked but just said OK, and he was biting on his thumb nail. And that was it. I walked out.
YUP. I literally had my job threatened because of a Yelp review about another bar in the area. Welcome to Alabama. So a few things...
Number 1- I thought I would have regretted walking out last night when I woke up this morning. Quite the opposite. I am so proud that I stood up for what I believe in, no matter what, even at the expense of giving up my job.
Number 2- I have recently been watching a ton of documentaries about September 11, and I literally thought during my shift, Wow, I am not going to let anyone intimidate me into silence, or censor me, or give up my right as a US Citizen of free Speech, especially when I am bullied into it.
Number 3- I have come a long way. I usually am super non-confrontational, and I never defend myself. Today is a new day. I am not going to eat shit, and I will always speak up when I think people are trying to do me dirty.
Number 4- DEAD SERIOUS, When I was talking to Chakli the first time around, and when I was quitting I kept repeating over and over in my head, "What Would Olivia Do?", and it totally helped me channel my inner warrior spirit haha! Because Olivia wrote the book on confrontation, and she definitely doesn't take any shit. I swear to god, I tried to picture how Olivia would talk and act, and it helped me to be confrontational lol
So that is the low down. I welcome your comments/opinions/...and Yelps ahaha!
The job hunt begins...I'll keep you posted.
Good Luck Honey. There are just as good restaurants to work at. Did you write your other Yelp on that bar? You should. Love