On my way into Noja to work my first shift

The stray dog we rescued

I haven't really been blogging. Between work, school, and daily life, I have been neglecting my blog. I am hoping to get back in the swing of things on here, and update regularly again.
As for school, So far so good. I was really overwhelmed at first because I just couldn't get back into the swing of things, but I am finally getting my homework knocked out. The campus is so huge that I really haven't done much exploring, or made any friends there yet. It feels good to FINALLY be at a University. I am so close to the end I can taste it.
I am a server at Noja, and not until very recently do I feel like I am finally getting into the rhythm of things. I felt for a while that I wasn't getting the swing of things, and I was just constantly having to ask questions and second guess myself. I was so stressed out about not knowing my way around, and the new order of things, that I literally started dreading going to work, and would countdown until I was able to go home. I don't feel that way anymore. I like my job, I make good money, and the people are great. I go out after work for beers downtown with my coworkers, and I am meeting people through hanging out downtown. One funny thing is that people in the South smile at each other for no reason. Sometimes I will be at work and someone else's table will smile at me, and at first I look at them puzzled like "Do I know you from somewhere?", then I realize that is just them simply being friendly, and I then smile back awkwardly. Haha Living in California makes you slightly callus and not as open, but being in the South makes you more warm and genuine with people.
I am still living with Olivia and Dave in our apartment in West Mobile. We haven't gotten into any major arguments, and we all get along for the most part. One night Olivia and I were walking the dogs, and Sonny took off. When I ran ahead to see where he went, he was chasing after a dog. When I went to grab Sonny, I looked for the other dogs owner, but quickly realized it was a stray dog. It wouldn't let us get anywhere near it, and it would run every time we even attempted to walk towards it. This went on for about 3 days, we would be walking the dogs, Sonny would chase the stray dog, and the stray dog would then run from us when we got close. So, I set out a bowl of dog food on our front porch, just so I knew this dog would at least get some food. Sure enough Olivia lured him into our apartment with food, and as soon as he knew he couldn't run, and we were not going to hurt it, it became the most gentle, loving, well-mannered dog ever. It had giant sores on his legs from where his previous owners had kept him in kennel for too long, covered in fleas, and had a huge tick on his face. Olivia and I were grossed out, but our dog lover side took over. We got him in a bath, flea dipped him twice, and put a flea color and medicine on him, then brushed him and gave him some pajamas. The apartment property owner told us he was probably dumped by his owner. I had never heard of this, but apparently it is common down here for dog owners to literally take their pets they don't want anymore and just dump them off in random fields or apartment complexes and take off. He was SUCH a good dog, he walked off leash and would follow us around (the same dog who ran from us just days before), and played with the other dogs, and never barked. We tried to rehome the dog, but couldn't find a place, so we had to give him to the Mobile Animal Shelter Friday. I started doing the ugly, Oprah cry when we left him there, and I have been crying every day since. I am scared they are going to euthanize him, and so now we are going to call Monday to see if they will let us foster him until he can get a new home.
Some of my favorite Southern phrases is "Well, bless your little heart" and "I'm really going to Hunker Down". Oh, and they say oil like "oh-wl" haha I have been loving the BBQ down here. We try a different BBQ place every week. However, my ass is gaining WEIGHT from all the comfort food. My resolution is to start exercising and watching the fried foods. It is so easy to eat badly down here cause the food is so great.
I haven't finished decorating my room or bathroom. I just haven't had the time. I have class Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and work every other day except Sundays. I seriously just sleep, eat, work, and go to school. Not too exciting.
As for dating...uh...what dating? No prospects. No news. Hopelessly, but very happily single. I am just focused on graduating as soon as possible with no distractions.
Well, until next time bloggers! Love and well wishing!
My favorite part of this post was "graduate with no distractions." Amen sister.