Everyone who knows me, will tell you Iced Tea is my favorite drink on Earth. I prefer my tea fresh brewed, with a squeeze of lemon, extra ice, and no sweetener. Yes, I have it down to a science. Down here, in the Dirty South, they drink Sweet Tea like people in California eat avocados...CONSTANTLY. When I go to restaurants out here, and want to order my drink of choice, it usually goes like this:
Me-"Yes, Can I please have an Iced Tea?"
Server-**Thick Souther Accent**OK Darlin', you want Sweet Tea."
Me- "No, Can I just have unsweetened tea, please?"
Server-"OK, So unsweet sweet tea."
Yes, because "Sweet Tea" down here is the root word. They refer to Unsweetened Iced Tea as "Northern Tea".
I think Iced Tea would kick Sweet Tea's ass in a smack down 10 times out of 10.
Here is your mothers two recipes for Iced Tea. Sun Tea, a large jar like a pickle jar, try not to use plastic ever! Take seven regular tea bags and four cups of luke warm water and sit it out in the sun. It will make a strong concentrate. About four hours or so into it fill the rest of the jar with warm water and let it sit as long as you can but never over night, put in fridge. Same goes for regular Iced Tea. Make concentrate by boiling four cups of water and turn off burner put seven bags in water for about half a hour no more, take bags out fill glass jar with cold water and concentrate. There you have your momma Iced Tea.