A whole display in the grocery dedicated to crawfish boils

Yes! My boxes with all my clothes arrived!

Complete with ceiling fans and an ice maker :o)
Country home in downtown Mobile
An Iirsh dive bar in Downtown Mobile
My dream home!
Well, slight change in plans regarding my work situation. As previously mentioned in the blog, I was going to start working at a restaurant down here called True this passed Wednesday (8/10). The manager told me that I didn't start training until Tuesday (8/16) so I got an extra week off. Noja, another fine dining restaurant in Mobile, contacted me for a second interview today. During my first interview a month ago with Noja, I talked with the General Manager. Today I met with the culinary team and serving staff. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming and told me I could start tomorrow. Noja is only open for dinner, closed on Sundays, Mondays, and all major holidays. The owner also takes the whole staff to "outings" every few months. August 21 the whole staff is being treated to Sunday brunch and then hanging out at the pool at a nice hotel all paid for by the owner. Also, they have a very low turnover rate. The newest employee has been there a year and a half. So I think that speaks to how well people enjoy working there and never leave. So I am going to start training at Noja tomorrow, if I don't like it I will start training at True on Tuesday as planned. But if I like it, then I am quitting True, and sticking with Noja as my job while I am in school.

As for other news, I have been sleeping A LOT. The heat knocks you out. I literally go to bed no later than 10 pm, and wake up at 11am, sometimes even sneaking a nap in. I don't know if it is my body adjusting to the heat, or just the time change. Either way I am hibernating like a bear. When I am not sleeping the day away, I have been doing really good with unpacking! My boxes I shipped all my clothes in arrived on Monday, and I wasted no time unpacking. Once I have all my pictures hung up, I will snap some pictures of my bedroom so you all can see!
Crawfish boils are really big down here. Mobile has a strong Louisiana influence both architecturally and culinary wise. When we went to the grocery store they had a whole display specifically dedicated to crawfish boils. I have yet to go to one, but I will be sure to let you know how it goes!
My sister took me to this Irish pub in Downtown Mobile. It is SUPER country-fied with a wrap around porch with ceiling fans. My sister and I grabbed burgers and drinks, and sat out on the porch enjoying the heat. I was born to live in the South :o) I snapped some pictures of cute country homes I found in downtown Mobile, complete with porch swings!
I will write a blog to let you know how my first day at Noja goes. I hope I like it! I am just happy that I am going to start making some cash! I am running low on funds!
Until next time!
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