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Saturday, August 6, 2011

I am a weirdo.

Well, now that I have some down time to write, I wanted to tell you a few things I learned about myself during the road trip. The first being: I am a weirdo. I think everyone has unusual quirks. I think mine were amplified on this long journey. Let me explain.
I have a deep, constant, and HUGE phobia of homeless people, driving at night, and gas stations at night time. If you have ever hung out with me, you know that homeless people make me nervous. I always think they want to rob me or kill me. I realize that this unrealistic phobia has developed due to my CONSTANT viewing of TruTV, Forensic Files, and The First 48. It has convinced me that everyone wants to murder me, and potentially can get away with it. When I see a homeless person, I will purposely walk the long way so I don't have to interact with them. They make me fear for my life. Case in point, weirdo-ism number 1.

Weirdo-ism #2
I HATE driving at night. When it would get dark out, Olivia and I would switch and she would have to drive, and I would white-knuckle the handle on the door, and gasp every time we are going around a bend on the highway that is not fully illuminated. I have a huge fear that I will hit a deer, the deer will puncture through the glass of my windshield, and bring me to my fatal and untimely demise. I, also, think truck drivers won't see us, and switch lanes unexpectedly pushing us off the road. Every time Olivia would pass a semi on the highway, I'd always mutter "Whoa, whoa, whoa." as I clenched the handle to the car bracing myself for this imaginary collision I have painted in my head. Keep in mind, I only have this fear at night time. I wish I could tell you there is some foundation to this constant fear, but there isn't. I have never hit a deer **KNOCK ON WOOD**, and I have never had a run in with a semi. It just boils down to the fact that I am weirdo.

Weirdo-ism #3
I hate gas stations at night time. As soon as I pull in, my heart starts pumping faster, my palms sweat, and I am constantly scanning the place for people who could rob me. I won't pump gas if there is another man pumping gas, and/or a seedy character is lurking around. My definition of "seedy" has now grown into anyone who is not female. Olivia and I stopped for gas in Louisiana, and a man was pumping next to us. I told her to lock the doors, and we needed to wait until he was done pumping and left the station before I'd get out of the car. Then, I had to use the restroom, so I ran for my life towards the gas station, and out of nowhere an old man was standing by the door. I froze in fear, he looked at me, then smiled "Did I scare you? Sorry Miss, I just wanted to hold the door for you." Wow. I am an asshole. Olivia wanted to stay parked at this gas station so she could get an hour of sleep before continuing the drive. After 5 minutes of me saying "Why the fuck is that car pulling in?" "Oh my god, oh my god, there is a car that is parking over there" I just took over driving, so I could get out of there before inducing a heart attack on myself. Great. This fear developed when I was robbed a few years back at a gas station, and has developed into full-on post traumatic stress disorder over the simple task of getting gas at night. It has manifested into fear of all things related to getting gas at night time, and there fore furthering my weirdo-ness.

A few other quirks:
-I don't like talking first thing in the morning. I don't like people to talk to me, and/or me to talk to them. I just need 10 minutes of silence, and then I can handle you.
- I have to be FREEZING when I sleep. I need to feel like I am taking a snooze in a meat locker before I can drift into hibernation. If the tip of my nose isn't freezing, and my sinuses running from pure frigid temperatures...then its not cold enough.

Please feel free to share on my comment board any items that make you a weirdo :o)

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